Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pondering upon Service

This question has perplexed me for a few weeks: What is it God wants me to be? There has been one common, reoccurring theme that has popped up every time I have thought upon this question. A servant. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve - He has called His children to follow in His footsteps.

Today I had an amazing opportunity to go and help out a widow in the nearby city of Lillooet. We helped her weed her lawn. Yes, by that I mean we were on our hands and knees in the front of her house picking all the portulaca. I can tell you this, there were clusters upon clusters of this weed that had taken over a good 1/3 of this lady's front lawn.

I thought though, there's more to service than just doing it. Before I had left for the lady's house with a group of other girls, I read in my devotions a short verse out of Philippians to start me off on a good mindset. "Nothing should be done through selfish ambition or conceit...We should esteem others better than ourselves." {Phil 2:3} So when I serve, I need pure motives. Nothing in my mind or heart should be craving attention or gratification. When I help people I shouldn't be placing myself higher than them just because I'm not in the position they are. In most cases, I'm in a much worse position.

When I returned a few hours later, I sat outside in my dirt covered clothing and thought; how did Jesus serve? I came up with a list of guidelines for myself.
I need to serve with...
     - Joy (my countenance needs to reflect my love for God and love for helping others)
     - Patience (I need to be diligent and patient with my work because it may not go as smoothly as first espected)
     - Care (I should care for the people I'm helping)
     - Humility (pride should not be in my heart, nor a judgemental spirit)
     - Desire (actually wanting to do it)
     - Time (make time, don't rush, finish what you started)
     - Yearning (not only help their physical needs, but also their spiritual)
     - Respect (for them and what they ask of me)
     - God (He should be my partner through it all)
     - Trust (that God will help me be a reflection of His character and life He lived)
     - Love (true love for them)

Taking a moment of my time to help others has been the biggest blessing to me this year. I can admit that I'm not perfect. Sometimes I think, "Wow, I'm just such a helpful person." But that's not the attitude Christ wants me to have. I'm working on that - Jesus is helping me. Through everything though, my love and respect for God and others is exponentially increasing.

Take time to ponder. Think about what it is God wants YOU to be. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sabbath's at Fountainview

Sabbath afternoon we hiked to the river and sat in the sand singing, talking, doing backflips, and just enjoying God's wonder of nature.

Saturday evening we had the opportunity to do a health outreach event in Lillooet followed by a free public viewing of the movie Forks Over Knives. The movie wouldn't be complete without popcorn and hot apple cider though... (:
Setting up the sound and projector

Screen setup

First Campout

Saturday, August 17, 2013

More Meaningful Mornings

When I wake up in the morning and I get out of bed
I sing, "Praise the Lord, praise the Lord"!
When I roll right out of bed and my feet hit the floor
I sing, "Praise the Lord, praise the Lord"!

Why isn't it that easy!? When I wake up in the morning, I want this to be my goal. I feel like each day would be so much more pleasant and meaningful if I start it out right. 

Starting the morning out right is my new goal. 

This includes:
1. Running (or some other form of cardio)
2. Having a meaningful worship / study time with God
-> Communication is vital to any healthy and meaningful relationship. Why not communicate more often with God!? This, my friends, is prayer. 
4. Eating a good, wholesome breakfast

All these things, when done in the morning before the stresses weigh you down, will help you carry through more joyfully and healthfully. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Encouragement for the Day

Exercise DAILY - walk with the Lord

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Junior-Senior Retreat

      Smiles crept across the faces of all whose eyes fell upon the sign – “There will be no orchestra or choir today. That means no volleyball, no hanging out in the halls, everyone to the dorms. It's time to pack.” What seemed to be edging up ever so slowly was now only one sleep away: Junior-senior campout.
     Packing was lighter this time; there were no tents, no air mattresses, and there wasn't an extra bag needed to be packed for the food each of us were usually required to bring – lest we starve. How was this a campout, you ask? It wasn't. This was our retreat. You see, normally Junior-senior campout is a legitimate campout that consists of hard dirt floors, tents, fires for warmth, and a lake for a shower at Seton. This campout was different. Because of an unexpected dilemma with camping at Seton, it wasn't available for us eager campers this year. The breaking of tradition was about to take place because we were on our way to Camp Hope. That's right. Cabins, beds WITH MATRESSES, a lodge, and best of all...showers with HOT WATER.
     Load luggage, get on bus, sleep on bus, arrive at Hope, unload bus, scramble to best cabin room, RELAX. Volleyball and soccer were the first of many activities that unfolded, followed by telephone charades, skits and various activities planned by the mighty fantastic Senior Class Officers. You see, the class officers – Mr. Chris Donatelli as President, Ms. Sierra Buhler as Vice President, Pastor Diane Carvalho, Treasurer Michael Jensen, and Secretary Eileen Corrigan – planned the entire trip for the luxury of the juniors. We were never required to help cook food in the kitchen, which by the way was the best food ever thanks to Beth and Agnes, nor were we required to help clean up or wash dishes. Even seniors's only requirements were to help make breakfast and clean up once the entire weekend.
The weekend reached its climax Saturday night. All of us campers were in the lodge singing hymns after the close of Sabbath when shrieks of terror erupted from the room. Bandits burst into the room terrorizing different victims. A bag was thrown over there heads and the poor souls were dragged from their seats and out the various exits. Some tried to kick their way free while others gave up the fight – all, however, were gone. Noises of confusion murmured from the lips of us who witnessed this terrible scene. It was now our job to go rescue one of the captives. Given a map and a glow-stick for light, we were sent on the hunt. Into bushes, through dimly lit trails, under rocks, over hills, and climbing walls, we were required to find the next clue. Not only that, but we had to beware of the bombs that were thrown at us along the way: water bombs (or balloons for those of you that are less imaginative). Time after time we were assaulted with balloons. Many moments were spent lost and in confusion of where to go next. Where was our captive!? What were they doing to them? Finally the last clue was found: “I am fed, but don't touch me or your hand will turn red”. That could only mean one place, the fire pits. When we arrived, we found all the captives warm and laughing by the fire. We joined the happy throng as we all reflected on the amazing hunt. Some never made it entirely through but were brought to the fire for delicious smores, hot chocolate, and lemonade. That night, or should I say morning as the clock read 12:30 a.m., was the most memorable night of the year.  

Worship Group

My hall has a lot of awesome people. We have enjoyed mornings together in worship and devotion as well as an awesome Sunday eating splurge. (:
1 sophomore, 3 juniors and 2 seniors

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The OPTIONAL Campout

This was quite the experience. I didn't sleep well but I sure did get the "rest" I needed: time away from the busy schedule. I had fun canoeing, swimming, and keeping warm. (: 

On Sabbath, God gave me the time alone with Him I needed. I asked Him to make Himself real to me that day, and boy did He ever! Especially I opened my Bible and the verse that popped out was "He is alive!" Weather was nice and it was just an awesome experience reflecting on what He had done in my life previously and how I have changed and how much more I still need to change. 

I hope you enjoy the pictures! 
Bailey M. 

Scarlett did my hair on the bus

We had to build a teepee over the fire because of all the wind and rain


These are my beautiful shoes Hannah Rasmusen made for me because mine got wet when I got out of my canoe rather ungracefully the day before

I am learning

We made a story but each contributing a random sentence...it was interesting to say the least

How many guys does it take to play guitar?

They both hurt the same foot on the rope swing